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Study visit from Kosovo

Modeling innovative teaching in inclusive primary classrooms

Foto: A. Holzinger / PHSt

January 2020 – Ass.-Prof.in Dr.in Eliza Avdiu, Faculty of Education, University of Mitrovica, Kosovo, visited the University College of Teacher Education Styria during January 2020. The study visit took place in order to support her postdoctoral studies focusing on modeling of innovative teaching in inclusive primary classrooms. The study visit was funded by HERAS (CEEPUS). During her stay she was supervised by ILin Prof.in Dr.in Andrea Holzinger.

Her activities during the stay included:
  • School visits for observation and completing interviews with teachers from the Training Primary School of the University College of Teacher Education Styria (UCTE Styria)
  • Participation at lectures at the UCTE Styria referring to the research focus
  • Teaching of lectures at the UCTE Styria