The University College of Teacher Education Styria is an Austrian tertiary education institution providing the professionalization of teachers. It offers a wide range of academic studies in Initial Teacher Education and programs in Continuous Professional Development of teachers as well as Consulting Programs aiming and ensuring the quality of the educational system.
Initial Teacher Education
Our academic studies for Initial Teacher Education provide Bachelor and Master degrees for Pre-School Education, Primary Education, Secondary General Education comprising 28 school subjects and Secondary Vocational Education comprising four domains of school subjects. Students graduate with a Bachelor of Education (BEd) and a Master of Education (MEd). All studies include specialised technical, didactical, educational and school-related aspects.
Continuing Professional Development
Our educational offering of Continuous Professional Development for teachers is evidence-based and oriented towards the needs of human resources, teaching and school development.
Educational Research and Consultation
Our Educational Research focuses on practical experience and is job-related. We also train management staff and accompany quality development processes through our support and consulting services for schools and other educational institutions.
Students and Teacher Educators
The University College of Teacher Education Styria is the second biggest public University College of Teacher Education from fourteen in Austria. It hosts around 4.000 students in Initial Teacher Education and offers a Continuous Professional Development program for around 15.000 teachers in around 900 schools in Styria.
Graz and Styria
Graz is the capital of Styria, one of the nine federal states in Austria. It has around 300.000 inhabitants and calls itself a "students' city" because it has eight universities and university colleges with over 60.000 students. In addition to the traditional culture of the opera house, the theatre and many concert halls, Graz is also known as a hotbed of modern art, jazz life and literature festivals. Attractive shopping streets, comfortable restaurants as well as cafes and pubs give the city a southern flair which everyone should experience.
Come2Graz – International Week
Come2Graz – International Week
Teachers and researchers are invited to participate in the Come2Graz – International Week 2024. Further details and information can be found under the following link:
- Hotel Mariahilf
- NH Hotel
- Haus der Barmherzigen Schwestern
- Mercure Graz City
- Lend Hotel
- Hotel Weitzer
- Hotel Daniel
- Hotel Mercure
- Hotel Ibis
- Hotel Ibis
Marlene Grabner

Institut for Diversity Studies and International Relations
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