Diversity Mission Statement

We open horizons.
Our society is increasingly characterised by globalisation, mobility and linguistic and cultural diversity. This development means that learning and teaching also take place in an environment characterised by linguistic, cultural, social and religious diversity. Dealing with these current developments requires innovative strategies. The Institute of Diversity Studies and International Relations makes valuable contributions to guarantee equal opportunities as well as peaceful and constructive coexistence for all. This is done through the diversity-oriented professionalisation of staff in the field of education based on scientific findings.
Mission Statement
Appreciation of diversity is our basic principle.
We value the diversity of our society which must be perceived and promoted in the interest of individuals and society as a whole. We see equal opportunities as an educational policy mission and want our work in the education system to be effective in this respect. As actors in the education sector, we assume responsibility for future generations and strive to ensure the persistence of our actions. Openness is important to us and therefore we stay in contact with a varied and large range of institutions, individuals, as well as regional, national and especially international partners. When it comes to collaboration we focus on cooperation and dialogue and, in this way, we create the foundation for a well-functioning network and the basis for quality-based development.
We live internationality on all levels of the University College of Teacher Education Styria.
Internationalisation is a principle anchored in the profile of the University College of Teacher Education Styria as well as an integral part in all areas of the university college. According to the definition in the study “Internationalisation of Higher Education" of the European Parliament it is understood as a target-oriented cross-university process which integrates international, intercultural and global perspectives, involves all people working at the university college and contributes significantly to the quality improvement of teaching and research. The Institute of Diversity Studies and International Relations is responsible for the strategic management and operative planning of the internationalisation of the University College of Teacher Education Styria.
Cooperation matters to us.
We are particularly interested in cooperation in the field of mobility for teaching and learning purposes, in the implementation of international projects and international research as well as in a lively international and diversity-oriented culture at the university college. The University College of Teacher Education Styria cooperates through the Institute for Diversity Studies and International Relations with a network of more than 70 international partner universities and university colleges. We also intensively cooperate on a national level - primarily with the NCoC BIMM network (National Competence Center Bildung im Kontext von Migration und Mehrsprachigkeit - National Centre for Education in the Context of Migration and Plurilingualism), a scientific and professional community of teacher educators working in education for interculturality, migration and plurilingualism".
Mobility contributes to a diversity-oriented attitude.
We see mobility as an essential contribution to the promotion of an open attitude towards diversity among future educators, but also among our teachers and administrative staff. In addition, the Institute for Diversity Studies and International Relations offers services that include advice, organisation and evaluation of educational mobility for students and university staff as well as advice, documentation and participation in international projects.
Diversity and internationality require linguistic and cultural education
The institute's educational offer in the field of linguistic and cultural diversity is also essential. Future and active teachers will be professionally trained by means of tailor-made educational offers for dealing with linguistic and cultural diversity.
German as a second language is a special offer.
We offer German as a second language both in the teacher training studies and in continuous professional development for active educators. They acquire basic linguistic skills, the basics of language observation, the methodological and didactic basics of German as a second language (Deutsch als Zweitsprache: DaZ) and language-sensitive teaching, legal and organisational framework conditions, knowledge of literacy and the goals and didactics of intercultural education.
University College of Teacher Education Styria Campus South
Institute of Diversity Studies and International Relations
Ortweinplatz 1, 8010 Graz
phone: +43 316 8067 6602
mail: international@phst.at, diversitaet@phst.at
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